Beta Things

Bringing the Power of Digital Design & Manufacturing to Everyone


Our multidisciplinary team of designers and developers deliver customized solutions for businesses and individuals. Let us show you the power of digital manufacturing and automation that will put you ahead of the curve as the future arrives.


Paul Myers started Beta Things in 2015 as a creative outlet for the skills he had been acquiring over his past careers in computer programming, CNC programming, design, project planning, and management.

He found that these skills and experiences made him uniquely suited to help people and businesses developing new products and procedures to serve their clients better, with less effort, and more profit.

Using a hybrid approach to manufacturing, and leveraging the power of all types of computer aided processes, he has made it his goal to bring the gift of product development and automation to the people . He wants to prove that digital manufacturing and fabrication can effectively customize the processes of your life and business.


Matt Johnson began his career as a computer programmer, specializing in game design, network administration, user interface design, and app development.

He obtained his computer science degree from The University of Alberta. In his long career since then, he has continued to learn and expand his scope through groundbreaking projects working in a wide array of fields of discipline.

Matt endeavors to bridge the gaps between humans and technology in pleasing and intuitive ways, by using all the tools that are available to him including many purpose built programming languages and even custom electronics development.