Beta Things

Bringing the Power of Digital Design & Manufacturing to Everyone

Professional Work

CAD - Render - Simulate -Design - Manufacturing

Keyboard Design

This was a project for a new brand looking to disrupt the mechanical keyboard market. I provided design iterations and followed up with mechanical design.


Potent Crush Herb Processor

This is a project we engineered and collaborated on the design of with Potent Fun Corp. It’s a completely new form of herb separation getting ready to take the Cannabis market by storm!


Pre-Production Renders

One of our clients produces hotel automation equipment and re-sells it through distributors all over the world. To test the market for this potential new product, we created a series of renders to be sent out to distributors. With feedback from existing and potential customers, we were able to green-light the project and continue its development with confidence.

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Sizable Ring Digital Asset

A jewelry maker in San Diego was paying out a large portion of his profit margin for carving staff to produce waxes used to create his Gold rings. We were able to take one of his designs and digitize it in such a way that we could easily re-size the file for any ring size. With this digital asset, he is now able to print off waxes of this ring for each order that comes in and his carvers can focus on the more creative custom projects.

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Editor’s Desk

An interior designer for Metro News Toronto was tasked with the creation of a new office for their print division. The centerpiece of the office was to be a 6 person desk where each of the department editors would sit and interact with writers.

Starting with a basic sketch from the client, we were able to create a detailed 3D model and collaborate with a local mill-work company to build and install the desk.

This installation is complete with power and network receptacles, LED lighting, and 4 television mounts.

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Digital Stress Testing

A client was looking to develop a fly-press for his business. Those available for purchase either did not serve his purpose, or had to be imported from India at great cost, due to their weight.

Together, we were able to create a design that he could manufacture using tools and services to which he had direct access. We were also able to determine that the frame would withstand almost 1.5x his maximum expected load before beginning the build.


Some of our Clients